General Instructions

All students are required to strictly adhere to the following:
• Maintaining a clean university campus and appropriate appearance at all time, and preservation of its properties and facilities and not tamper with its contents.
• To preserve the university’s reputation and not to do any act or behavior that harms it within the university and in all facilities affiliated with it.
• Making sure to meet all deadlines for the start of the semester and the dates of theoretical and practical lessons as we as panel discussions.
• Making sure not to offend, humiliate, defame/ despise anyone in any way and respect all university staff and fellow students.
• Maintain public behavior within the university campus and respect the high university traditions and the society’s ethical, religious and civilizational values.
• Not to use mobile phones in the classroom, exam, lab and library at all time.
• The obligation to wear a special laboratory apron and to comply with the instructions and conditions of security and safety and to flow the supervisor’s instructions.
• To participate in university’s various sports, cultural and artistic activities, organized and supervised by the university’s “Office of Public Activity” in accordance with personal hobbies and desire to contribute to the revival of national and religious events and do not implement any such programs except through the “Office of Public Activity”.

Student Rights

• The student has the right to know the details of his semester grades, which include the participation, midterms and final exams.

• Enable the student to understand the theoretical lectures through the practical application in the faculty laboratories by fitting modern equipment in all laboratories.

• Assisting the student to deal with laboratories equipment and devices by providing technicians and supervisor.

• The student has the right to visit the lecturer during a designated “office hours” for homework and exercises assistant.

• The student must know that partial and total withdrawal and suspension of enrollment is his / her right, and this procedure is carried out in accordance with the faculty’s study and examinations regulations.

• The student has the right to review midterms and final exams answer sheets with the instructor, in case of “final exam paper review”, the student must submit an application and the application should be submitted to the relevant department.

• The student has the right to obtain the results, GPA, Cumulative GPA, by giving him / her a copy of their transcript at the end of each semester.

• Allow students to participate in exhibitions, seminars and scientific conferences and presenting their research papers which they discussed at the faculty prior to the event, their participation must be through LIMU’s faculty.

Student Duties and Responsibilities

• Attend all theoretical and practical lectures at all time without any interruption (unless it is physically impossible).

• Respect the university and be of good conduct and behavior inside and outside classrooms and not to cause any chaos and noise that affect the course of lectures and theoretical and practical lessons.

• Preservation of the university property, equipment, furniture and devices.

• Maintaining a clean university campus.

• Keeping quite during exams.

• Not to possess any item that may be considered for cheating purpose.

• Respect all faculty members, teaching staff, employees and fellow students and not to abuse them in any form that is contrary to the “study and examinations and discipline” regulations in faculty.

• Not to offend faculty members by any action, whether verbally or making gestures, and must respect their professors in an appropriate university student manner.

• The student must adhere to the registration period specified before the semester.

Academic Advising

Every student in the faculty is assigned an academic advisor or mentor from the third semester to supervise and provide scientific guidance.
The mentor shall advise and monitor the student’s performance and support him /her in solving the problems he /she may face during his /her educational career in coordination with the concerned authorities.

Tuition Fees

Students’ tuition fees may change from time to time due to local market fluctuations and high prices. Therefore, the tuition fees are available on the university website to obtain the latest update for the student tuition fees.

Violations and Penalties

Violations, penalties and disciplinary procedures shall be in accordance with study, examinations and disciplinary actions regulations of LIMU and the regulations approved by the Ministry of Higher Education.

Faculty Dismissal or Termination Policy

The student is dismissed or terminated from the faculty in the following cases:
• If her / she receive four successive warnings or probations due to a Cumulative GPA of less than (50%) and the Faculty Council to give a fifth chance for those who can raise the Cumulative GPA of study of the available courses.
• If the student has dropped out without a legitimate reason for a full semester.

• If the student does not pass the graduation requirements during the maximum period prescribed, and the Faculty Council to give an exception and give final opportunity for the student to finish the requirements of graduation not exceeding twice the original period specified for graduation under the following conditions:

>> The reason for his / her failure is acceptable to the Faculty Council.
>> There has been an improvement in student performance in the last two semesters.

Student Assessment Methods in the Process of Teaching and Learning

The college adopts two types of assessment:

• Formative evaluation:
Helps the student to assess his / her comprehension of information and enable them to identify their weaknesses in covering educational objectives.


• Summative Evaluation:
1. Continuous assessment of the student’s performance and participation in the discussion sessions and submitting a “case study” research or scientific report.
2. Midterm and final exams which include (written, oral, and practical test).


The student will graduate upon completion of graduation requirements (according to the study plan), provided that his / her Cumulative GPA is not less than 60% (Acceptable – D grade). The College Council, or its representative, may, on the recommendation of the relevant department council, determine appropriate courses for students to increase their Cumulative GPA, under the condition that her / she in passes the courses and not passing his / her Cumulative GPA.

The student is not considered a graduate until after the approval of the University Council to grant him a degree.

Graduation Periods

• Students who receive an incomplete (I) at the last level of the graduation program or those who fail under the same category will be issued individual graduation notes upon completion of the requirements. The last semester in the student’s record is the graduation semester.


• Students whose academic plans require completion of the practical training requirements are required to submit their names to the Faculty Council by applying for approval at the end of the semester in which they complete this requirement.