Health Informatics

Provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills in the fields of health and information management, which enable them to practice administrative work and supervise the work in various institutions efficiently / effectively and the preparation of national competencies and human cadres able to work in the field of administrative and technical in the health sector to meet the needs of the Libyan community of these competencies.

Vision of the department

achievement an advanced level of quality assurance standards in higher education in the following areas:

Education: the rate of graduated students not less than 90% for each batch.

Employment: the rate of employment of graduate students of each program is not less than 90%.

Research: the rate of research papers that are accepted for publication is not less than 90%.

Training: The average satisfaction of the participants in the training courses offered by the faculty is not less than 4 out of 5. (Workshops and training courses target administration and teaching staff.)

Mission of the department


  • The achievement of quality assurance standards for higher education in providing
    academic and administrative services.
  • Providing a stimulating environment for learning and creativity using advanced
    scientific curriculums, modern technology methods, distinguished teaching staff,
    and lifelong learning strategies.
  • To provide qualified graduates who are capable of dealing with the needs of the
    community in the fields of information technology and health informatics, and to
    provide research activities and professional development programs in the fields of
    information technology and health informatics.

Program educational objectives

Students who complete the program of Health Informatics will be able to:

1- define, implement and evaluate information systems.
2- design effective information management systems.
3- integrate modern information systems and health information management.
4- work with the health team in health institutions to meet their requirements and
information needs.
5- contribute to the improvement of health care delivery systems.
6- function effectively as a team member.
7- communicate thoughtfully with staff within the Health service.

Program Competencies:(Graduate competencies)

• Lifelong learner, has ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated, the pursuit of knowledge.
• Communicator: has the ability to convey information, ideas, or policy to individuals and the public.
• Critical thinker, able to think clearly, rationally, reflectively, and independently, to understand the logical connections between ideas.
• A researcher, conducts research, by organized and systematic methodology.
• Technology user has the ability to utilize and keep up with new technologies.
• Leader, proactive and effective in people towards the achievement of a specific goals and able to manage time effectively.
• Information manager, collects and manages information from its sources and utilizes that information to solve problems.
• working in the spirit of the team has the ability to work in a team that does not contradict and works independently.


الخطة الدراسية لقسم المعلوماتية الصحية

First Semester                     الفصل الأول

Course no.

Course Titleاسم المقرر      







IT Foundations.       (FC)أساسیات تقنیة المعلومات      





Programming I.       (FC)البرمجة 1            





Mathematics I.        (FC)ریاضیات 1           





English I.                 (UC)لغة انجليزية1            





Arabic.                     (UC)اللغة




Semester Credit Hours – 15


Second Semester الفصل


Course no.

Course Title اسم المقرر      







Programming II.                  (FC)





 Probability and Statistic.     (UC)





Mathematics II.                   (FC)





English II.                             (UC)





Int. to Computer Networking.   (FC)




Semester Credit Hours – 16

Third Semester                    الفصل

Course no.

Course Title اسم المقرر      







Int. to Software





Mathematics for computing.     (FC)





Int. to Database Systems        (FC)





Int. to Information Systems.      (FC)





Int. to Healthcare
.         (AC)






20Cr. Hrs


Semester Credit Hours –17

Fourth Semester
الفصل الرابع

Course no.

Course Title    اسم







Principles of Management.      (AC)





Visual Programming.              (FC)





Digital and Logic Design.        (FC)





DatabaseManagement Systems.





Concepts of Diseases& Medical Terminology I.       (AC)





Technical Writing.              (FC)





Critical Thinking.          (UC)




Semester Credit Hours 19











Fifth Semester            الفصل الخامس 

Course no.

Course Title اسم المقرر      







Web Application Development.





Concepts of Diseases and Medical Terminology II.(AC)





Security principles and practices.     (FC)





Information Standards.   






Organization and Management in Healthcare Facilities.     (AC)




Semester Credit Hours – 16

Sixth Semester الفصل السادس

Course no.

Course Title اسم المقرر      







Legal & Ethical Issues in
Health Informatics
I.   (AC)





Principles of Public Health.     (AC)





Healthcare Computer Systems and Electronic
Health Records
.    (AC)


–   61151



Problem Solving and Decision Making in Healthcare.  (AC)





Research Methods.     (FC)


65 Cr. Hrs



System Analysis
& Design.   




Semester Credit Hours – 15

الفصل السابع                                      

Course no.

Course Title اسم المقرر      







Quality Management for Healthcare.






Human Aspects of Healthcare Information Systems.   (AC)





Basic Epidemiology.    (AC)







Internship.      (FC)


Cr. Hrs



IT Capstone Project I.  (FC)


Cr. Hrs



Legal & Ethical
Issues in Health Informatics II.




Semester Credit Hours – 13

Eighth Semester                           الفصل الثامن

Course no.

Course Title اسم المقرر      







IT Project Management.    (FC)





Student selected Courses.    (AC)




Student selected Courses.     (AC)





Elective course.          (UE)





IT Capstone Project II.     (FC)





Statistics and Analysis.    


61256          64174


Semester Credit Hours – 16


















Student selected Courses


اسم المقرر      





Application Development




Principles of HC
Accounting and Economics

61256 -63266



Strategic application of IT in Healthcare Organization




E-Commerce and




Network Security I



64413 964513)

Big Data




Data Mining




: 8 فصول دراسية     العدد الكلي للفصول الدراسية

العدد الكلي للمقررات :43 مقرر دراسي

المجموع الكلي للساعات المعتمدة: 127


Courses Description

61151  IT Foundations
This course provides an overview of information technology. Topics such as computer hardware technologies, computer software technologies, managing data Sources and database technologies, communications and networking technologies, internet and world wide web technologies, information systems and their development, data representation and numbering systems, issues in information technology.

61152  Programming I
The course assumes no programming background and provides an overview of the program development process in addition to introducing important programming constructs. The course covers such topics as programming language characteristics, flowcharts, algorithms and pseudocode, integrated development environment (Visual Basic .Net), variables, operators, conditional statements, looping statements, and arrays.

61155  Mathematics I
Definition ,examples: Domain and Range, Graph, Linear, polynomial, logarithmic, exponential functions, trigonometric functions and their inverse, and hyperbolic .functions , Study of the derivative of the functions above without the use of the definition , normal line, speed, acceleration , Taylor and Maclurain Series , Integration of the functions that have been studied , Integration by parts, Integrations of partial fractions , Integration by completing square, Integration by trigonometric substitutions.

61150  English I
Grammar Tenses, Conditionals, conversations, Computers users, Computer architecture & Presentation.

61157  Arabic
This course aims to provide students with the Arabic language skills required to read texts in various fields, and the ability to understand and summarize them. The course also aims to train students in correct writing in terms of formulation, style, and composition.

61252  Programming II
This course is a continuation of the Programming I course, which concentrates on procedures, functions and basic principles and concepts of object-oriented programming using Visual Basic, Classes, interfaces, testing, debugging, inheritance, polymorphism, and event handling. Techniques for simplifying the programming process and improving code quality.

61255  Mathematics II
Matrix addition, scalar multiplication, transposition, and matrix multiplication. Special kind of square matrices, Expansion of determinants, properties of determinants, Matrices inverse. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, rank, order, Solution of first order differential equation (exact differential equations, separable differential equations, homogenous differential equations, Bernoli differential equations, Solutions using power series, solutions by Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

61250  English II
Grammar present passive/ comparison, contracts, Modal verbs/ verbal, Computers applications & Presentation, Peripherals/ hospital management, Hospital management and hospital waste managements.

61257  Int. to Computer Networking
Introduction to telecommunications and networks, Top-down orientation relates networking technologies to organizational goals and needs, Data communications and Internet technologies and basic system performance analysis, TCP/IP, LANs, WANs, internetworking, and signals and communications media.

61256  Probability and Statistics
Role of probability and statistics in Information technology, Introduction to set’s, Operation on set’s, Introduction to probability, Probability laws, Discrete distributions, Continuous distributions, Descriptive statistics, Estimation, Inferences on the mean Comparing two samples, Simple linear regression, and correlation.

62150 Mathematics for computing
Number systems: Natural numbers, Radix r representation of integers, mathematical induction. Logic: Propositional logic, predicate logic, Boolean algebra; sets; recursion; relations, and functions, introduction to algorithms, elementary combinatorics and graph theory.

62156  Communication Skills
Interpersonal Communication is a skills course. It is intended to help students understand the importance of communication in all aspects of their academic and personal life. The method of instruction is problem-based learning, giving students the opportunity to be the center of the learning process. The very vital communication skills will be learned by the student through solving four problems that cover an introduction to the subject, the listening skill clusters, assertion skills and finally conflict management. The main aim of the course is to enable students to communicate effectively with their peers, faculty members, family members, friends and the society at large. It is a given that ineffective communication leads to all sorts of failed relationships at school, at work and even at home with parents, siblings, and children. The course will give students an added advantage by being able to develop and nurture flourishing relationships that not only help them to succeed in their endeavors but will also make their lives richer and more productive.

62137  Int. to Software Engineering
This course is important as it presents key principles and concepts of Software Engineering and gives a solid foundation for other courses in this area. The course covers the most important definitions and concepts in Software Engineering, software life cycle and processes, fundamentals, Software development from problem specification and requirements engineering through design, implementation, testing, and maintenance; introduction to rapid and extreme programming – fundamentals of modeling and design – fundamentals of project management, costing of software, change management and software quality assurance. Introduction to ethics and professional practice of Software Engineering, in a collective project on the software life cycle and using specialized software tools.

62154  Int. To Information Systems
This course will introduce the topic of Information Systems (IS) and discuss how organizations use information systems to support a variety of tasks ranging from basic day to day activities to creating competitive advantage in the marketplace. Topics such as foundation of information systems, e-business, competitive advantage with information systems, IT infrastructure, communication and networks, information system development, databases and information management, improving decision making and managing knowledge, enterprise applications, securing information systems, ethical and social issues in information systems.

61254  Digital and Logic Design
This course provides an introduction to basic electrical circuits, digital systems, and computers, Binary systems and codes, digital logic gates, circuits, and Boolean algebra, Microelectronics and integrated circuits, coding and multiplexing, Flip-flops, registers, counters, A/D converters, arithmetic, and arithmetic units. Microprogramming and instruction set and Input/Output.

62153  Int. to Database Systems
Introduction to fundamental concepts of database management with the relational model. Schema design and refinement, query languages, transaction management, security, database application environments, physical data organization, an overview of query processing, physical design tuning.

63160  Critical Thinking
This course explores issues about the nature and techniques of critical thought, viewed as a way to establish a reliable basis for our claims, beliefs, and attitudes about the world. We explore multiple perspectives, placing established facts, theories, and practices in tension with alternatives to see how could be otherwise. Views about observation and interpretation, reasoning and inference, valuing and judging, and the production of knowledge in its social context are considered. Special attention is given to translating what is learned into strategies, materials, and interventions for use in students’ own educational and professional settings.

62237  Visual Programming
Using visual basic forms and controls, user interface, predefined functions, input for fields, controls, and forms, object-oriented programming techniques to create classes, resolving syntax, run-time, and logic errors by using the debugger and structured exception handling. Enhancing the user interface by adding menus, status bars, and toolbars, connecting to databases with ADO.NET, Mapping objects to databases with ADO.NET Entity Framework, Integrating query into Visual Basic with LINQ. Building, packaging, and deploying an application.

63112  Technical Writing
Types of reports and models. The choice of topics. Formation of preliminary and final thesis statements and premises. Departmental case studies. Writing paraphrases and summaries. Preparation of report outlines. Evaluation of print & electronic sources. Bibliography. In-text & end-of-text citation: theory and practice. Quotations. APA format in academic reports. Report presentation in written. Revision and error-detection in academic and technical reports.

62235  Database Management Systems
Understanding of the nature of database-management systems (DBMSs), including their structure, design, and evaluation, the relationship between DBMSs and the analysis of information systems in libraries and in business, the distinctions among flat-file systems, network systems, hierarchical systems, relational systems, and text-oriented systems. the process of normalization of relational databases, the role of the Structured Query Language (SQL) standards in the current and future development of DBMSs, and management and social issues such as database security and privacy.

63141  Web Application Development
This course will introduce the PHP scripting language. Students will download and install the Apache Web Server, PHP, and MySQL database. In addition, the PHP installation in the SIS labs will be utilized. The course will cover programming concepts, client-server architecture, database access, and XHTML/Cascading style sheets. Students will write a full-scale web application as their final project.

63140  Information Security and Privacy
Basic information security concepts; elementary cryptography; program security (malicious code); protection in general-purpose operating security, designing trusted operating systems; database security; and network security. Specific topics may include: security threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures; security objectives and techniques; risk analysis; Trojan horses, viruses, and worms; symmetric key cryptography, public-key cryptography, and cryptanalysis; access control, pass-word-based security, authentication and authorization; ACLs and capabilities; multilevel and multilateral security; covert channels and inference control; BLP and Biba’s models; operating system security; network attacks; firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.

63253  Research Methods
This course provides an introduction to research methods and designs relevant to information technology. The course will focus on an introduction to various research designs including experimental and non-experimental, as well as quantitative and qualitative research methods. In addition, the course will focus on providing a practical understanding of several statistical tools used in research. The emphasis will be on knowing when to use the various tests, what they measure, and how to interpret results.

64141  Internship
Students are required to engage in a eight-weeks site experience at health organization facilities to develop their IT and management skills. A technical report summarizing the skills and knowledge acquired during the period is required at the end of the work.

64142 IT  Capstone Project I
This course is the first part of a two-part course of a project in one of health informatics fields. Students begin with the introductory works such as library research, definition of requirements, collection and analysis of data, site survey for the assigned topic to the student. Students are required to submit a progress report at the end of the course period.

64277  IT Project Management
This course is mainly designed to prepare IT students with project management skills needed to better manage IT projects. Built along the IT project management lifecycle, this course covers detailed topics of the basic concepts of IT project management, including initiating, planning, controlling, executing, and closing projects. The course also shows how IT projects should be managed, from beginning to post-implementation review. The students who take this course will improve their management skills and abilities to define the project scope, create a workable project plan, and manage within the budget and schedule. This course is mainly designed to prepare IT students with project management skills needed to better manage IT projects. Built along the IT project management lifecycle, this course covers detailed topics of the basic concepts of IT project management, including initiating, planning, controlling, executing, and closing projects. The course also shows how IT projects should be managed, from beginning to post-implementation review. The students who take this course will improve their management skills and abilities to define the project scope, create a workable project plan, and manage within the budget and schedule.

64280  IT Capstone Project II
This course is a continuation of the course “64142: IT Capstone Project I”. It is designed to assimilate and integrate knowledge and skills gained from previous courses and field experiences. It focuses on key issues impacting the management of today’s Software Engineering field and explores how those issues impact the delivery of solutions. The goals of the course are to provide a solid foundation for applying managerial knowledge as it relates to field of health informatics. Students in this course will demonstrate the ability to express state-of-the-art knowledge about health informatics industry as well as identify and strategically manage these systems in a manner that will support and enhance quality delivery of software solutions. Students are required to prepare their final report and presentation of total work of “64142: IT Capstone Project I and 64242: IT Capstone Project II” with oral examination

63163  E-Commerce and E-Marketing
Introduction to the Internet and World Wide Web; the concept of e-Business, e-Commerce and e-Marketplaces; e-Commerce models and applications; e-Commerce support services; Internet marketing and advertising; e-Supply chains; legal, ethical and social issues in e-Commerce; e-Commerce security; e-Business planning and analysis; building e-Commerce application and infrastructure.

64512  Mobile Application Development
This course is concerned with the development of applications on mobile computing platforms. Android will be used as a basis for teaching programming techniques and design patterns related to the development of standalone applications and mobile interfaces to enterprise and cloud systems. Emphasis is placed on the processes, tools, and frameworks required to develop applications for current and emerging mobile computing devices. You should work at all stages of the software development life cycle from inception through to implementation and testing. In doing so, you will be required to consider the impact of user characteristics, device capabilities, networking and cloud infrastructure, and deployment environment, in order to develop software capable of meeting the requirements of stakeholders.

64513  Big Data
The course covers Big Data Fundamentals, including the characteristics of Big Data, the sources Big Data (such as social media, sensor data, and geospatial data), as well as the challenges imposed around information management, data analytics, privacy, and security, as well as platforms and architectures. Emphasis will be given to non-relational databases by examining techniques for storing and processing large volumes of structured and unstructured data, streaming data as well as complex analytics on them. Data warehouses will also be presented as a solution to handling big data and business intelligence applications.

64514  Data Mining
Data Mining studies algorithms and computational paradigms that allow computers to find patterns and regularities in databases, perform prediction and forecasting and generally improve their performance through interaction with data. It is currently regarded as the key elements of a more general process called Knowledge Discovery that deals with extracting useful knowledge from raw data. The knowledge discovery process includes data selection, cleaning, coding, using different statistical and machine learning techniques, and visualization of the generated structures. The course will cover all these issues and will illustrate the whole process by examples. Special emphasis will be given to the Machine Learning methods as they provide real knowledge discovery tools. Important related technologies, as data warehousing and on-line analytical processing (OLAP) will be also discussed. The students will use recent Data Mining software. Enrollment in this course is limited to 15 students.

64174  Basic Epidemiology

This course presents basic epidemiologic concepts used to study health and disease in
populations. It provides an overview of the major causes of morbidity and mortality, including
methods of measurement (e.g., incidence, prevalence).
Observational and experimental epidemiologic studies will be described and their advantages
and disadvantages compared.
The course aims for students to begin developing the skills needed to evaluate data, interpret
reports, and design and conduct studies. Students will be introduced to the various areas of
epidemiologic study- cancer, molecular/genetic, environmental, occupational, social and
behavioral, and infectious disease/surveillance.

63164  Concepts of Disease and Medical Terminology 2

A systems approach to the language of medicine, including the analysis and utilization of
word roots, combining forms, prefixes, suffixes, and medical terms; emphasis on written
and spoken medical vocabulary.
This course covers disease etiology and organ system involvement, including physical
signs and symptoms, prognoses, and common complications and their management. As
well as the study of anatomical, physiological, and pathological terms, clinical procedures,
abbreviations, and lab tests according to systems of the body.
The course covers ICD diagnostics and procedural coding and how to design and
implement a disease registry.
Upon completion, students should be able to relate disease processes to etiology,
physical signs and symptoms, prognosis, and common complications and their
management. Also, students should be able to accurately assign and sequence diagnostic
and procedural codes for patient outcomes, statistical and reimbursement purposes.

62263  Concepts of Disease and Medical Terminology 1

A systems approach to the language of medicine, including the analysis and utilization of
word roots, combining forms, prefixes, suffixes, and medical terms; emphasis on written
and spoken medical vocabulary.
This course covers disease etiology and organ system involvement, including physical
signs and symptoms, prognoses, and common complications and their management. As
well as the study of anatomical, physiological, and pathological terms, clinical procedures,
abbreviations, and lab tests according to systems of the body.
Upon completion, students should be able to relate disease processes to etiology,
physical signs and symptoms, prognosis, and common complications and their

64174  Health care computer System and Electronic Health record

Electronic health records (EHRs) capture patients’ health information, such as
medical history, allergies, laboratory test results, radiology images, and payment
in an electronic form that enables clinicians and other providers to access and
share the information across medical specialties or facilities.
This course prepares students to understand and use electronic records in a
medical setting. It introduces students to current frameworks for the
implementation and management of electronic health information using common
electronic data interchange systems.
Students will develop the skills and knowledge needed to address the medical,
legal, sanction and regulatory requirements of electronic health records systems

64169  Healthcare Statistics and Analysis

This course covers maintenance, compilation, analysis, and presentation of
healthcare statistics and research protocols and techniques. Topics include
basic statistical principles, indices, databases, registries, vital statistics,
descriptive statistics, research protocol monitoring, Institutional Review Board
processes, and knowledge-based research techniques.
Upon completion, students should be able to apply, interpret, and present
healthcare statistics and utilize research techniques to gather and interpret
healthcare data

63266  Organization and Management in Healthcare Facilities

This course focuses on leadership and strategic management for healthcare facilities,
evaluates organizational ethics and Managerial functions; analyzes individual
interpersonal skills and professional and personal goals, and the management of human

63164  Principles of Public Health

Public health is defined as the science of protecting the safety and improving the health
of communities through education, policy making and research for disease and injury
prevention. This course will cover the following topics: epidemiology, communicable
and non-communicable diseases, mental health and physical disability, occupational
health, environmental health, nutrition, and health education. Studying all of these
topics will build an enough background about the basic principles of public health
which are of the need to the health informatics professional.

64274  Quality management for healthcare

This course introduces principles of quality assessment and improvement, risk
management and utilization management; management of quality improvement
systems; use of data systems in quality assurance; and health data retrieval, analysis and
presentation in healthcare.
Topics include Continuous Quality Improvement, and case management processes, data
analysis/reporting techniques, credentialing, regulatory quality monitoring
requirements, and outcome measures and monitoring.
Upon completion, students should be able to abstract, analyze, and report clinical data
for facility-wide quality management/performance improvement programs and monitor
compliance measures.

62261  Strategic Application of Information Technology in health care

This course will study the strategic application of information technology in healthcare
organizations. The course will focus on the challenges facing the health care informatics
administration with respect to organizational structure, alignment with enterprise
strategy, portfolio management, and regulatory compliance.
In addition, the course will look at how the application of IT can transform healthcare
delivery in the current environment.
This course includes topics of define the basic concept and theories related to the
strategic application of IT in healthcare organization, and define the steps for
implementing complex information systems in complex healthcare organization.

64170  Health Information Standards

This course will provide the details of healthcare information technology
standards and interoperability and provides foundation in healthcare
standardization related to: clinical vocabularies, data messaging, architectural
framework, data content, and the meaningful use of electronic health record
systems (EHRs).
The course explores the role of healthcare standards in supporting interoperability,
patient care, research, and the practice of evidence-based medicine. International
standards of development efforts are also discussed.

64276 Human aspects of health information system

Understand the human-computer interaction (HCI) and how
advances in HCI can be applied to improve problematic aspects of
health information technology related to the complex interaction
between human and machine.

63168  Introduction to Healthcare System

An introduction to health information systems as tools for decision making and
communication in healthcare. This course builds on prior knowledge of systems theory
and utilizes change theory and information processing theory to analyze, manage and
evaluate healthcare information. Emphasis is also on the ability to utilize information
systems in the delivery of patient care and the exploration of the variety of tools available
to assist in the analysis of quality care.

63165  Legal and Ethical Issues of Health Informatics 1

Legal and ethical issues surrounding ownership, privacy, data security, the use (or misuse)
of decision support systems, accountability, as well as legal and regulatory compliance
are central to debate surrounding health informatics and these issues have an impact on
the requirements, design, implementation, and evolution of these systems. This course
introduces students to the ethical, legal, and regulatory issues relevant to the use of
information technology in healthcare and learn to develop solutions that address key
legal and ethical challenges germane to health informatics.

Topics include such things as protection of patient information, intellectual property,
professional ethics and responsibilities, and regulatory issues that impact the
management of electronic health information. Upon completion, students should be able
to apply policies and procedures for access and disclosure of Protected Health
Information and apply and promote ethical standards.

63267  Legal and Ethical Issues of Health Informatics 2

Legal and ethical issues surrounding ownership, privacy, data security, the use (or misuse)
of decision support systems, accountability, as well as legal and regulatory compliance
are central to debate surrounding health informatics and these issues have an impact on
the requirements, design, implementation, and evolution of these systems. This course
covers legislative and regulatory processes, legal terminology, and professional-related
and practice-related ethical issues.
Topics include confidentiality; release of information policies, informed consent and
procedures; and professional-related and practice-related ethical issues. Treatment of
ethical and moral issues will emphasize the understanding of diverse viewpoints and
methods for resolving conflicting moral obligations. Concerns arising from potential
conflicts between legal and moral obligations are investigated.
Upon completion, students should be able to apply policies and procedures for access
and disclosure of Protected Health Information and apply and promote ethical standards.

64275  Principles of healthcare accounting and economics

This course combines health economics and healthcare financial management. There is
an introduction to the accounting model, the measurement and classification of data
and terminology essential to effective interpretation and use of financial statements,
balance sheets and income statements, plus an analysis of balance sheets, profit and
loss statements and cash flow statements.
How to construct a budget in a healthcare environment is a core skill in this course. The
health economics component of the course introduces students to important economic
concepts such as opportunity cost and supplier-induced demand and illustrates how
these concepts can be applied to the healthcare industry.

64172  Problem Solving and Decision Making in Healthcare

This course is designed to facilitate the development of critical thinking and
problem-solving skills in health care by requiring the student to Analyse and solve
conceptual and practical problems confronting the health care professional